P1051: Coding Python

No Flyer Specified

P1051: Coding Python

The Price: $ 675.00

The Schedule: PST Friday 19:15:00-20:45:00
Next Class Date: 2022-11-18
Sessions: 15
Seats Available: 5
Location: Coquitlam Online Classrooms

Provided By: Coquitlam Online

IDE/Software : PyCharm

Week 1, 2, 3:
● 1.1. The way of the program (Links to an external site.)
● 1.2 Algorithms (Links to an external site.)
● 1.3 The Python Programming Language (Links to an external site.)
● 1.4 Executing Python in Runestone Textbook (Links to an external site.)
● 1.5 More about programs (Links to an external site.)
● 1.11 Formal and Natural Languages (Links to an external site.)
● 1.12 A Typical First Program (Links to an external site.)
● 1.13 Comments (Links to an external site.)
● 2.1 Variables, Expressions and Statements (Links to an external site.)
● 2.2 Values and Data Types

Week 4,5,6:
● 2.4 Variables (Links to an external site.)
● 2.5 Variable names and keywords (Links to an external site.)
● 2.6 Statements and expressions (Links to an external site.)
● 2.7 Operators and operands (Links to an external site.)
● 2.8 Input (Links to an external site.)
● 5.1 Modules (Links to an external site.)
● 9.3 Concatenation (Links to an external site.)
● 10.2 List values (Links to an external site.)
● 7.1 Boolean values and expressions (Links to an external site.)
● 7.2 Logical Operators (Links to an external site.)
● 7.4 Conditional execution: Binary Selection (Links to an external site.)
● 7.5 Omitting the else clause: Unary selection (Links to an external site.)

2.10 Reassignment
Quiz 1

Week 7,8,9:
● 1.7 Syntax Errors (Links to an external site.)
● 1.8 Runtime Errors (Links to an external site.)
● 1.9 Semantic Errors (Links to an external site.)

Fred ⽼师2019年获得SFU计算机本科学位,数学第⼆学位在读。在SFU上学期间被BCAA公司录⽤实习做软件开发。
Fred ⽼师熟悉多种编程语⾔, 项⽬经验丰富,有很强的思维能⼒,懂得学习中遇到的的困难和难点,富有耐⼼, 帮您的孩⼦在计算机的学习道路上打下坚实的基础。

Tuition Policy

Please pay the tuition fee within two weeks before the start of the semester to ensure the student’s seat in the class

  • Group tuition fees are charged on a semester basis, normally 15-18 sessions, 1.5 - 2 hours per session
  • For credit card payment, an extra fee, about 3.5% of the total tuition, will be charged by the credit card comany

Students are not allowed to cancel the course without agreement from the School.

  • One-to-one course: If you cancel the course for special reasons, please take at least 24 hours in advance, otherwise the course fee will be charged. If you request a refund within one week of the course, you can refund 90%. No refund will be given after one week.
  • Group lessons: One week after the start of the semester, no refunds will be given for group lessons.
  • Due to school reasons, the cancellation of the course will be fully refunded.
  • If the course is cancelled due to a teacher's illness or weather, the course will be postponed collectively. If you need to make up another course, the course must be a course that is currently underway.

Leave Request Policy

  1. One-on-one class can take up to 5 times per semester. Group classes can take up to 3 times. Otherwise, students will be automatically withdrawn from school
  2. If you need to take a one-on-one lesson for more than one month, please inform the front desk at least two weeks in advance so that we can keep your seat

Please note:

  • We will only retain your seat after you have paid the tuition fee.
  • Parents agree that Wendu Education uses student photos in promotional flyers and school website.

No Flyer Specified

by Wendu Education