The International Students At Canada

Vancouver Wendu has partnerships with multiple local public and private institutes, so we can recommend the most appropriate schools for the international students.

  • We offer the one-stop services, including application consultant, airport pickup, home stay, health insurance and guardian services, etc.
  • We also encourage and help to organize the parents to visit the schools in BC, to have the close touch with the schools.
  • The students will feel at home here, so they can get accustomed to the new environment as soon as possible.
  • Our goal is clear: to help the students graduate and enter the dream universities!

High School Students at Mission
Student Activities at Mission

The Application Process To BC Schools


Application Procedure:

第一步: 递交申请表格、申请费、护照复印件和学校成绩单,以供审批 Click To Apply Online
第二步: 被录取的申请人收到录取意向书(Letter of Offer), 缴纳学费并递交监护人文件。
第三步: 被录取的申请人收到录取通知书(Letter of Acceptance),用于申请学生签证。
第四步: 抵达温哥华以后,学生带护照和学生签证向国际教育办公室报道,启动医疗保险。


1. 如果申请者申请1月或2月就读,必须要在上一年11月15日前缴纳留学费用,教育局才能保证留学位:过期,教育局不一定有学位。
2. 对于热门学校,教育局不一定保证申请者一定能就读心仪的学校,所以尽早申请学校,入读心仪的学校的概率越大。
3. 加拿大使馆办理学生签证需要的时间大约3-12周时间。
4. 一般教育局小学为K-G6年级,初中为G7-G9年级,高中为G10-G12年级.

如果您有任何问题,请随时联系新文达教育在加拿大或中国的分支机构 - 我们都会很高兴为您提供帮助。

Tuition Fee For The International Students In BC


The Living Expense In BC


The Health Insurance In BC


Introduction To Abbotsfor Public Schools

No Flyer Specified

by Wendu Education